Tender Guarantee
Provide your guarantee on your commitment in the tender process easily with a Tender Guarantee. Offering you simple and hassle-free Tender guarantee services we ensure you a timely and quality service.
The tender guarantee, also known as a tender bond or bid bond is a written document issued by Bank at the request of the tenderer during the tender process for bids of construction or procurement of a project giving assurance of their performance guarantee. With a tender guarantee, the bank undertakes to pay the beneficiary a certain amount of money if the tenderer withdraws or amend his bid during the validity period of the bid or refuses to comply with the terms of the contract.
Obtain your tender guarantee from a reputable service provider like BBCI Finance. Our financial solution experts will assist you throughout the process ensuring a seamless service experience. Contact us today with your inquiry and our team will get back to you soon.
3 Bd de Neuilly, 92400 Courbevoie – Paris la Défense.
Tel & Whatsapp : +337 73 34 23 64